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Discover the Power of God as Revealed in Bible Prophecy & Claim Your Bonus Course and eBook.

  • Lifetime Access to the Story of Hope (Including Any and All Future Updates)

  • Bonus #1: The In-Depth Study of The Gospel of Mark

  • Bonus #2: The Seventh Day of Christmas

See What Everyone Is Saying...

"I've been Christian my whole life, and I really appreciate your perspective."

- Campbell, California 2013

"[The Story of Hope] has been a real wake-up call to me."

- Lake Isabella, California 2016

"Thank you for speaking the truth, not a lot of pastors or truthspeakers say the truth the way you do. Thank you and God bless you"

- Maria, 2016

You're making a difference in someone's life. Keep up the great work.

- David, 2016

"Loved how you infused more Jesus and seeing the Scriptures through the lens of Jesus."

"The seminar of The Story of Hope by Stephen Hicks is deeply appreciated. All its importance of highlighting that Jesus is the Hope and Jesus is coming and about the importance of sanctuary."

"Nicely presented – A great sequence. It is obvious you know and believe what you are preaching."

"Dynamic, spiritual speaker. Challenged thinking. Great handouts. Biblical. Thank you Steve!"

"What a tremendous blessing the 'Story of Hope' has been to our congregation, Steve. God has worked through you in amazing ways, praise His name!"

- Santa Cruz California, 2014

"Loving, genuine, divine and inspired. Thank you for following God's call & service. Bless your heart Steve."

"Greatest seminar I've ever attended."

"This seminar was a major blessing to me."

"Seminar has been well prepared and I certainly believe Jesus is coming soon and the Story of Hope just confirmed it with truth coming from the Word of God! Thank you Steve and God bless you."

"Everything about the seminar as a whole encouraged me that God is my one & only Savior and this world is not my home. Heaven is my home."

"Mind blowing, inspirational, a great blessing to know and understand God more, through prophecy facts from the Bible."

- Hayward California, Spring 2015

"I was scared to know the prophecies and what's written in Revelation. Today I am really happy and filled with hope. I love the Lord Jesus Christ more than ever before."

"Seminar was so good, I learned a lot about God. I want to be closer to God, and be faithful always and be a daughter of God, and gain eternal life, and be an apostle of God."

"Thank you for your wonderful, exciting seminar. Deeply appreciated."

"Extremely well organized and convincing. Bible-based. Great job!"

"Very successful, can tell your efforts."

"Reinforce our faith and understanding. Being made aware of the need to study the Bible."

- Mountain View California, Summer 2015

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